Installing a monitored security system is one way to secure your home. However, a security system isn’t the only way to increase your safety. Here are six ways to improve your home security with or without a security system.

Install Outdoor Lighting

Well-lit areas deny criminals the cover of darkness. Take a step beyond simply turning on a porch light at night. Consider adding motion-sensor lighting to the sides and back of your house. Motion-sensor lights come on automatically when movement is detected and help deter would-be criminals. Pathway lighting is another way to bring illumination to your yard.

Make Locking Up a Habit

Encourage everyone in your household to make a habit of locking doors and windows when leaving home and before bedtime. Lock up even for quick errands and visits to neighbors, and be sure to lock other entrances when you’re in your backyard.

Improve Your Home Security with Landscaping

Landscaping can improve your home security in several ways. Use a low thorny bush or a plant with sharp leaves, like Oregon Grape Holly, to deter burglars from entering through windows. Regular yard maintenance is another way is to deter burglars. Keep bushes and shrubs pruned so a criminal has no place to hide. Mow your grass regularly. Uncut grass implies the residents are away.

Secure Your Garage

An open garage door lets people see bikes, the lawnmower, and other valuables stored in your garage. Avoid leaving your garage open for long periods of time with your belongings on display. Remember to also lock the door between your house and garage.

Keep Up Appearances While You’re Away

When you’re out of town, ask a trusted friend or neighbor to collect your mail and newspapers. Use timers or your smartphone to turn on lights and your TV while you’re away. Delay social media posts about being out of town. You may eager to share your vacation photos, but wait until you return home. Checking-in on social media from an out-of-town attraction also lets people know you’re not at home.

Put Your Stuff Away

Store your stuff to improve your home security. Tools and ladders should be stored inside. Leaving these items in your yard gives burglars the tools they need to break into your house. Put your items away to avoid helping criminals gain access to your property.

Conway Inspections offers home inspection services to the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Contact us to book an appointment.